Yet Barclays has lost only a small amount of market share over the past year. 一年来,巴克莱银行的市场份额只流失了一小部分。
Lets use the private sector, particularly the consumer goods companies, as they have agreed to do, to make sure they have sustainable supply chains, the right kind of packaging and marketing that puts the least amount of burden on the earth we share. 让我们调动私营部门,特别是消费者产品公司它们同意这么做确保它们拥有可持续的供应链,采用妥善的包装和营销方法,使之对我们所共同享有的地球构成最小负担。
Since July, the amount of share purchases in Shanghai and Shenzhen that used margin financing more than doubled, rising to more than 800 billion renminbi, or$ 130 billion, by the end of last week. 自7月以来,在上海和深圳市场用保证金购买股票的额度增长了一倍多,截至上周末,已达到8000多亿元人民币,约合1300亿美元。
The registered capital, types of stock shares, distribution and management of stock shares, the total amount of all types of stock shares and the amount of per share; 公司注册资本、股份种类、股份分配和管理办法、各类股份总额、每股金额;
Raise large amount of capital from share issue. 可筹集到来自于股票发行的大量资金。
If the invested entity realizes any net profits later, the investing enterprise shall, after the amount of its attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses, resume to recognize its attributable share of profits. 被投资单位以后实现净利润的,投资企业在其收益分享额弥补未确认的亏损分担额后,恢复确认收益分享额。
Next to detail, click the arrow and choose the amount of detail to share. 在“详细信息”旁,单击箭头并选择要共享的详细信息量。
Each enterprise should problems for itself, deepening the reform, developing strong points, to prints in the intense market competition in the fight for a certain amount of share. 每个企业都应该针对自身存在的问题,深化改革,扬长避短,不断改进,以发挥优势在激烈的市场竞争中争取一定的份额。
Bank of China's investments in ropey American mortgages are almost as much as the amount it raised in a Hong Kong share offering last year. 中国银行在蹩脚的次级信贷抵押上的投资额几乎与它去年由于在香港证交所股票上涨所带来的资金相等。
However, a considerable amount of studies demonstrate that these disorders share the common clinical and neuropathological features and similar etiology and pathogenesis. 但是,相当数量的证据表明,二者具有相互重叠的临床和神经病理特征、相似的病因和病变发生机制。
But the EFSF's borrowing is backed by guarantees from euro-area states, each of which vouches for an amount roughly in line with its share of the euro-area economy. 但EFSF的借款有欧元国的担保,每个国家所担保金额跟它在欧元区所占经济份额大致相同。
In case the share certificates are issued at a premium, the subscribers shall indicate in the share subscription form the amount of share price they agree to pay. 以超过票面金额发行股票者,认股人应于认股书注明认缴之金额。
In2007 the company initiated its business in Henan province and attained a certain amount of market share based on the painstaking efforts of30 employees there. 2007年公司进入河南市场,经过公司上下全体员工的不懈努力,已取得了河南大区的一少部分市场份额。
In current process of designing and producing doors and windows, there exist the following problems: long design cycle, high error rate, large amount of repetition work, lack of information share. 在当前的建筑门窗产品设计和生产过程中,较普遍地存在设计周期长、出错率高、重复工作量较大、缺乏对信息共享、协同设计的支持等问题。
Solid door is featured in complicated shapes and various styles. At the same time, there exist the following problems: long design cycle, high error rate, large amount of repetitive modifying, lack of information share, etc. 实木门的造型比较复杂,款式变化多,在设计过程中存在设计周期长,出错率高,重复修改设计工作量大以及缺乏信息共享等问题,是家具设计中的瓶颈。
If fine petrochemical industry of CNPC wants to occupy a large amount of market share, it is especially important to select its major products suiting to the progress of this company, and great efforts should be made to develop these products. CNPC精细石油化工若想占有一定的市场份额,选择适合本企业发展的核心产品进行重点发展尤其重要。
Third, as for the reducing amount, determine principle of changing pattern of state-owned share as the solely big shareholder and reducing state's stake to below control force or reduce by the gross at one go; 三是在减持数额上,确立改变国有股‘一股独大’格局的原则,一次性将国有股减持至控制力之下或全数减持;
Controlling stockholders possess substantial control on the company's business operation directly or indirectly because of its larger amount in share holding. 控制股东因其持股数量超过其他任何股东而对公司的运营决策直接或间接地具有实质控制权。
After intensive research and analysis of the status of scrap resources, the amount of domestic and overseas steel scraps were estimated. The amount of scrap resources and the EAF share of steel production for China in 2010-2020 were forecasted. 通过对国内外废钢资源状况的深入调研,全面掌握了国内外废钢资源量,弄清了中国利用国外废钢资源的状况,预测了2010~2020年中国废钢资源量和电炉钢比。
Although the amount of foreign reserve is huge, the large share focuses on US dollar and US assets, especially treasury bonds. 我国外汇储备规模巨大,但结构不尽合理,外汇储备大量集中于美元和美元资产,特别是美国国债。
Net assets returns ratio, the amount of cash flow per share have a negative correlation with the stock price and it pass through T test. 净资产收益率、每股经营现金流量与股票价格负相关通过t检验。
Since the start of the first joint equity commercial bank in 1996, the communication bank, Chinese joint-equity banks have been one of the most important economic entities. Their asset amount, market share and influence are growing fast. 我国自1986年成立第一家股份制银行&交通银行以来,股份制商业银行已经成为银行业的重要经济主体之一,市场份额不断扩展,经济影响力也逐渐增长。
Trade of service can be significantly enhanced, the amount of service trade share the proportion of total world trade has increased continuously. 世界经济的转型使服务的可贸易性大幅度增强,服务贸易流量占世界贸易总额的比重日益提高。
Whether the absolute amount of growth in exports, or exports the share of total world exports have undergone significant improvements. 无论出口商品的绝对额增长速度,还是出口总额占世界出口额的比重都发生了重大的改善。
Moreover, as the increasingly amount and market share in capital market of USA, private equity makes more and more influence on the portfolio companies and economy development. 此外,随着美国私募权益资本管理资金规模的日益庞大,在资本市场中的份额逐渐增加,对企业和经济发展的作用也越来越大。
Internet service providers have Internet users, so decided the amount of the discretion of its market share and the increase or decrease of value-added services revenue. 网络服务商拥有网络用户的多寡,决定了其市场占有率的高低和增值服务收益的增减。
In the logistics industry of Dalian, The amount of road freight transportation always has the largest share of freight transportation. 在大连的物流业中,公路货物运输量在货物运输总量中所占比例一直是最大的。
Such a positive market prospect has attracted numerous domestic enterprises into the industry, and foreign brands have also increased the amount of investment to obtain a larger market share. 广阔的市场前景吸引了众多国内企业纷纷进入中央空调领域,外资品牌也加大了在华投资力度抢占市场份额,市场竞争日趋激烈。